Grace Episcopal Church
Galena, Illinois
Welcome to our friendly community in a historic church on the hill.

They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright; they are gracious, merciful and righteous.
It is well with those who deal generously and lend,
who conduct their affairs
with justice.
For the righteous will never be moved; they will be
remembered forever.
Psalm 112: 4-6
Stewardship is how we care for all of our resources, as individuals and as a community of faith. For all that we have comes from God - the beauty and joy of creation, our relationships, our unique skills and talents as well as our time and our material resources. Good stewardship means that we use our resources prudently and faithfully, providing not only for our own needs but for those of others. We support ministries that enrich peoples' lives through learning, fellowship, and spiritual growth. We reach out in times of crisis and disaster to those both near and far. And we maintain our historic physical structures. These things are done through offerings of our time, our talents, and our financial support.
Each year, generally in the fall, we conduct a pledge campaign where we ask each person to consider prayerfully a financial pledge for the following calendar year. Such an intentional commitment is both a practical and a spiritual matter. It is practical because it allows the church to plan for carrying out its ministries with an understanding of the resources that are available. It is a spiritual practice because it is a way of giving back a portion of God's goodness through the church and its ministries, a way of learning to live generously. It is hoped that all who participate in Grace Church will pledge in accordance with their ability to do so.
What does my pledge support?
spiritual growth and formation through worship and education
Pastoral care and Eucharistic ministry
Outreach through local, national, and international partners
Clergy and support staff
Uplifting music through our choir and instrumentalists
Regular contributions to the greater Episcopal community
Maintenance of our historical building and grounds
Routine operating expenses
When is my pledge due?
Pledges may be made at any time throughout the year. Each fall, several weeks will be designated as the pledge period for the next calendar year. During that time, information such as letters, giving histories, and pledge cards will be distributed. Often, members of the congregation provide brief presentations about the importance of Grace Church to their lives. One Sunday, usually in November is designated to receive and dedicate the pledges. Pledge forms and offering envelopes are available from the church office.