Grace Episcopal Church
Galena, Illinois
Welcome to our friendly community in a historic church on the hill.

The Mission of the
Christian Formation Ministry of Grace Episcopal Church
is to foster spiritual formation and growth. To this end, the Ministry initiates and invites program proposals. It also reviews and evaluates various parish activities which are a feature of Christian education and spiritual practice.
Ongoing Studies
Wednesday Morning Study Group gathers for discussion of a book of the Bible or other biblical topic at the parish house on Wednesdays starting at 10:00 am. Open to all, in person or on Zoom. (Contact church office.)
Education for Ministry - EfM: Grace Church boasts a number of graduates of EfM! This four-year course of study, Education for Ministry, promises lively discussion of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Contemporary Thought. Central to gathering in community is Theological Reflection – where “God talk” meets everyday life, and where students discover their ministry in the world. While the course of study is four years long, students need only commit to one year at a time. If interested, please contact the church office for more information. New students may join each fall for gatherings that begin in September and continue weekly through May.

Occasional and Seasonal Series
Inquirers’ Sessions are for adults who are new to the Episcopal Church and who are considering making a public affirmation of faith and being confirmed or received by the Bishop. The sessions are also open to any who are not certain of their readiness for this commitment and those who want a refresher. Usually, over the course of three or four sessions, we will learn of the origins of the Episcopal Church from the Church of England and its part in the world wide Anglican Communion; its core beliefs; the significance and meanings of the Sacraments; its liturgical worship, prayer book, and episcopal governance; and how a Church that considers itself a “big tent” and is both Catholic and Protestant is able to be bound together.
Theological Thrillers are periodic sessions devoted to literature and faith and facilitated by two of our retired university professors. From C.S. Lewis to Flannery O’Connor to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the group engages in spirited discussion that includes mystery and suspense.
Lenten Series in recent years, Grace has joined with other Galena churches in weekly soup and study. Book studies and topical curricula like forgiveness and lingering effects of racism have been among the themes.
Safe Church is the Episcopal Church’s version of safe church training that is required for all leaders. The program is offered periodically in order to maintain each leader’s certification. Though much of the content is directed toward practices to ensure the safety of children, it is also meant to address issues that affect all ages. It includes a combination of video clips, exercises, and discussion.
Other recent series have included The Book of Common Prayer, Aging GRACEfully, and field trips to other Episcopal Churches to hear well-know speakers such as Heidi Haverkamp and Nadia Bolz-Weber.
Do you have an idea for a program or series?
Complete the Formation Proposal and send to the Christian Formation Ministries: Proposal