Grace Episcopal Church
Galena, Illinois
Welcome to our friendly community in a historic church on the hill.

The heart and soul of our life as Christ's church is our time together in Christ's presence in worship. We strive to engage everyone in a meaningful, inspiring, and transforming liturgy in our rich prayer book tradition. Our worship is the work of all the baptized, both clergy
and lay.
Worship at Grace
Sunday Service
At 10:30 am, we gather for choral Eucharist. Rite II and Enriching Our Worship liturgies are used in various liturgical seasons. During Lent, Rite I's Penitential Order is used. Our congregational singing comes largely from the hymns of our Anglican tradition. These, however, are supplemented with gospel hymns and more recent songs from Celtic and various ethnic sources. Depending upon the season, the Eucharistic Prayer may be sung. Our procession includes an acolyte/crucifer, a chalicist, a lector, and clergy, and for Feast Days, we add torchbearers and thurifer.
Children and youth may be included in the rota of acolytes from around age 7. We welcome them as part of the worshiping congregation. Children younger than middle school may have class prior to worship.
All are welcome to participate: those who are "regulars"; those who are present in certain seasons; those who walk through the doors for the first time; those who are single, married, or partnered; those who come with family or friends. Everyone is invited to the altar rail for communion or for a blessing.

Wednesday Mornings
The weather outside might be frightful or glorious, rain and wind, snow and ice, sun and blue skies. No matter, many will gather in the chapel at 8:00 am! Usually, one Wednesday each month will be Morning Prayer, lead by a rotation of lay ministers. The other Wednesday will be the celebration of the Eucharist. Instead of a homily, there is a reflection on the Saint, or holy person of the day, presented by a lay person.
At the conclusion of worship, we retire to a local restaurant for breakfast. All are welcome! And, if it is your first time, breakfast is on us!

Seasonal Services
During Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and occasional other times, worship according to the season will be offered. These will be announced on our home page, on Facebook, and in our weekly e-newsletter, "Grace Happenings."
Please watch, also, for ecumenical services that we share with our Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian brothers and sisters, for example, World Communion Sunday in October and World Day of Prayer in March.

At Grace Episcopal Church, the celebration and blessing of a marriage is a sacred occasion. Far more than a social event, a Christian wedding is first and foremost a worship service. We take seriously the responsibility of upholding those who enter Holy Matrimony. All couples, including same gender couples, may be married at Grace.
Weddings are times of celebration and reverence - celebration of the love two people have found in each other and reverence of the commitment to marriage under the grace of God. We are eager to help you make your wedding lovely and meaningful. In order to accomplish this together we ask that as a couple, you become familiar with and respect our guidelines that will provide clarity and facilitate planning for all parties involved.
The Episcopal Church requires that at least one member of the couple be a baptized Christian. If one of you has previously been married, please allow extra time, as the Bishop must approve remarriage.
The full guidelines and fees are available here. After you have reviewed them, if you wish to reserve a date on our calendar, please contact the church to schedule an initial meeting with a priest. We respectfully request that no arrangements involving the church facilities, clergy, or musicians be announced until approval from the church has been received.

Funerals and Memorial Services
The death of a church member should be reported to the church as soon as it is possible. The church clergy should be included in planning the arrangements for a funeral or memorial service. Pastoral services are available prior to and at the time of death at the home or hospital. The Episcopal Church encourages baptized Christians to be buried from the church at a time when the congregation may be present.