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God has called us to live out the gospel - to embody God's hope and promise for our world. God has not called us to create an institution, but rather communities where people may gather to pray, seek the Holy, look for meaning, and use the gifts we have been given to move our world a bit closer to the kingdom of God.

               --Bonnie A. Perry+

Get Involved

The Episcopal Church Catechism defines four orders of ministry, beginning with lay members. We believe that every baptized person is a vital part of the ministry of the church, and encourage everyone to become engaged in a way that is meaningful. Nearly every ministry is open to everyone. Only members of the Vestry (our governing board), officers of the church, and delegates to denominational conventions are required to make a more formal commitment to Grace (membership definitions and details are described later on this page).


There are ways to be involved in the church with whatever time, talent, and energy you have to give. Do you have a passion for reaching out to those in need? To those who are ill or homebound? Would you like to plan an annual event or a series of fellowship activities? Perhaps serving at the altar would be satisfying. Or planning or facilitating ongoing learning and formation programs. Maybe your skills lean toward ongoing building and grounds repairs and maintenance. Or social media and promoting the church in the wider community. There are ongoing projects and programs that involve a monthly commitment. Others are just one-time efforts, and yet others are ongoing. See the list below for some ideas and jump onboard!

grace church ministries
details may be found by clicking on underscored headers and subheads

Altar Guild: Ann Berry

Acolyes and Chalicists: Diane Luther

Choir: Robin French

Lectors: Terri Jackman

Teresa Burke


Larry Poston

     Education for Ministry: Lynn Giles

     Safe Church: Lynn Giles

Centering Prayer: Linda Packard and Carol Poston

Local, national, international:  Karlyn  VanGelder

Parish Visitors: Bonnielynn Kreiser

Meals and Transportation: Terri Jackman

Greeting Cards: Diann Marsh

Lay Eucharistic Ministers: The Rev Deacon Diane Luther

Clergy Advisors: Linda Packard

Parish Life: Phil Jackman

Welcoming and Greeting: Maren Coates

Canapes and Conversation: Cathie Elsbree

Our Governance

Vestry: Lynn Giles, Sr. Warden and Richard Luther, Junior Warden

Finance & Stewardship: TBD

Buildings & Grounds: Pete Stryker


Social Media and Advertising: Teresa Burke
Live-stream: Lynn Giles
Website, updates and design: Joy von Wolffersdorff
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